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6 Days Sooner Than Your Missed PeriodEarly • DigitalTest First, Then Confirm Result With Digital< 99% Accurate on the Day of Your Expected Period*First Response™ detects the pregnancy hormone 6 days sooner than the day of your missed period (5 days before day of expected period).Things to know about testing early...some pregnant women may not have detectable amounts of the pregnancy hormone in their urine on the day they use the test. The amount of pregnancy hormone increases as pregnancy progresses. In laboratory testing, First Response™ Early Result Pregnancy Test detected the pregnancy hormone levels in 76% of pregnant women 5 days before their expected period, in 96% of pregnant women 4 days before their expected period, in >99% of pregnant women 3 days before their expected period, in >99% of pregnant women 2 days before their expected period, in >99% of pregnant women 1 day before their expected period and in >99% of pregnant women on the day of their expected period. In laboratory testing, First Response™ Digital Pregnancy Test detected the pregnancy hormone levels in 60% of pregnant women 5 days before their expected period, in 86% of pregnant women 4 days before their expected period, in 96% of pregnant women 3 days before their expected period, in >99% of pregnant women 2 days before their expected period, in >99% of pregnant women 1 day before their expected period and in >99% of pregnant women on the day of their expected period.*>99% accurate at detecting typical pregnancy hormone levels. Note that hormone levels may vary. See insert.
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Рекомендации по применению
Easy Guide - Please read detailed instructions inside before testing (in English and Spanish)Use test in pink foil.Test as early as 6 days before the day of your missed period.Test: Put the tip of test into urine for 5 seconds.Wait 3 Minutes.Read. Two pink lines is a pregnant result. (even if either line is faint)Ready to retest? Use test in white foil.Confirm. Steady clock means test is ready. Blinking clock means test is working.Result confirmed. Read instructions inside for more information about your result.
For in-vitro diagnostic use.Not to be taken internally.Do not freeze. Keep out of reach of children. Single-use device.Do not use this product after expiration date.Important note regarding negative results: Some pregnant women will not be able to detect hCG in their urine 5 days before the expected period. If you test negative before your missed period, but think you may still be pregnant, you should retest again in a few days after your missed period.Important note regarding positive results: Because this test detects low levels of hCG, it is possible that this test may give positive results even if you are not pregnant. If you test positive, but think you may not be pregnant, you should check with your doctor.All results should be confirmed by your health care provider, especially when making decisions about future medical care.
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В продаже начиная с: 02.2018
Вес отправления:
0.21 фунтов
Вес отправления
Вес отправления включает в себя товар, защитный материал и упаковочную коробку. Кроме того, вес отправления может быть отрегулирован по габаритному весу (длина, ширина и высота) коробки. Важно отметить, что некоторые виды продуктов (например, стеклянные контейнеры, жидкости, хрупкие товары, охлажденные или поставляемые со льдом) часто требует больше защитного упаковочного материала. Таким образом, эти товары будут иметь больший вес отправления по сравнению с товарами, не требующими тщательной упаковки.
Код товара: FSR-90133
UPC: 022600901334
Количество в упаковке: 2 шт.
7.45 x 2.85 x 1.4 in
0.15 фунтов
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